Friday, July 26, 2024

State of Photography in 2024 and Future

 Ever since post pandemic I have taken more and more post production, darkroom, printing, enlarging, and colour proofing jobs and the amount of photography I did has taken a back seat in my work life. Even back then before the pandemic I have taken my Digital camera out of my camera bag and went in full analog as a working professional photographer. It was and still is a shock for most of my clients to hear that I shoot film and I have to also explain to them by film I mean negative film and not movie film like on Hollywood. I still tell them vast majority of my work that the work they saw and liked and hired me for are actually analog and they hired me for that reason and they wanted to have photos like I had in my previous work or  in portfolio, but they got too comfortable with seeing things as they are shot and too comfortable with having option of 1500+ photos to chose from. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Equipment Care and Auto Focus Re-Calibration

 Sundays are usually cleaning days. This Sunday the flat was pretty clean to start with and my girlfriend finished the cleaning while I was exercising. So after taking her to my local pub for sunday roast, I decided to clean my lenses,  Nikon camera bodies and re-calibrate autofocus on my Nikon D800. 

Calibrating lens is something that you can do only in Digital SLR cameras and maybe mirrorless but I don't know about them since to this date I have not used mirrorless camera because big bulk of my work is shot on medium format film and I keep a digital camera for the fast turnover or small budget shoots. 

In future posts I'll be writing more about lens calibration. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Testing light and environment

 Next project I am working on is with my classmate Carolina. We are both graduates of LCF class of  2013 and both of us had to learn to climb before we learned how to run. Maybe that's why despite not agreeing in creative direction all the time we still get along and understand each other. 

In projects where lots of creatives will be getting together to create a body of work, the photographer shouldn't disappoint. This is why I would like to go to the location before the shoot and get some tests to see the rough idea of the frame and observe the environment. In doing so, I will be prepared with scenarios where the shooting conditions changes, I now know the direction of the sun and how it will be setting, the areas that will be covered in shadow and how big of a diffuser will be needed if we need one. 

I shoot the backdrop or something alike the backdrop we'll be using with a colour chart to see how the colours will be showing, I also shoot several frames in Kodak Portra 400 and Gold 200 to see how they work with this type of set but they are in the lab. 
The cat invasion of the set.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Sometimes I see something that has a story and take a photo of it. I call it wasting film some call it street photography and others call it art. Why do I call it wasting film? There is a story behind this shoes and how they got dirty, the story of the person wearing them, the story of how they get here, but in the medium of street photography it's just one or two photo snapped and move on the next one. Entire photoshoot or documentary project is not happening. We are just left out with our imagination.  

Photography by Bugra Ergil    Shot on Mamiya RZ67 Pro II + 110mm f2.8 + Trix Shot at 1600

  • "Momma always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they're going, where they've been." —Forrest Gump

Monday, July 15, 2024

Historical Photograph Moment

 With the advancing technology we are seeing more and more video based media. Instagram reels, TikTok,  YouTube shorts, infinite scrolling of media consumption changed our lives for better or worse. Among those video based media, photography and other art forms started to take backseat in the algorithm, but every now and then an unforeseen event unfolds and despite the videos and different angle coverage, a photograph speaks the loudest. 

Photo by: Evan Vucci 

An assassination attempt which drew blood on a ex-president who is also running as presidential candidate  for next American election is very rare thing to see and just as rare to photograph. This event alone will bring more media and attention to all future Trump rallies. 

This photo has already been published in majority of the newspapers around the world, very soon it will be published in the Time Magazine, probably will make the next issues cover and sooner or later you will be able to buy high quality prints on Magnum photos or other websites. Evan Vucci will be forever know as the photographer who captured this moment. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Pride - London - 2024

 I have been going to Pride in London once every couple years. In the beginning of my studies at London College of Fashion I could't go since it clashed with my Family planned holidays. Don't forget I grow up without my family since I was 13 and my sister went to University in America in her early 20's, which meant that every holiday opportunity was utilised and planned with my family. I was just around 24 I told my family that I can't just spend whole summer on the sea because I'm working now. Now looking back at it, I feel I was soo privileged to be able to spend my summers in that way. 

Moving back to Pride. It was just as packed as 2018 pride which was my last time before this time. In comparison to my first time there to last time. It is a lot more tame and less wild but also so much more advertisement happening in it. 

Packed pride: Shot with F6 + 24-70mm f2.8 Kodak Gold 


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Agitation test

 When processing Black and white negative film, there are many developers and film. Often times people overlook the agitation methods. When seeking for the correct way to process film I came across multiple recommendation by film and developer makers and even communities. 

Kodak recommends 30 sec continues agitation then 5 second agitation every 30 seconds whereas Ilford suggests 15 to 30 seconds continues agitation then 5 to 10 second every minute. Then again on the inside of the Ilford film box It states that 10 seconds continues agitation then 10 second agitation intervals every minute, same goes for Kentmere films. 

So I decided to test some theories my self. Although I would not consider these very scientific test since I used Expired film roll and the light was chancing from f2.2 to f2.5 which I adjusted with shutter speed. I wanted to test what happens if over agitate. 

These tests were never in my plans, I was actually testing the light sealing on my cameras and film magazine/backs. Then I told my self why not shoot 2 of these quick test set up I made in my kitchen and see. These tests gave me a rough idea about the over agitation of BW negative film. 

I don't know if I will shoot more test like these since film isn't cheep and processing them individually to isolate them is time consuming but if I do, I'll post it my findings here in my blog and write about it in reddit to get approvals of random internet strangers to feel good about my findings. 

30 seconds then 5 seconds every 30 seconds
30 seconds then 5 seconds every 30 seconds interval 

In the photo above I agitated for 30 seconds then again for 5 seconds every 30 seconds. Considered to be normal or one of the acceptable methods. This Produced close to accurate results both in test photo and also in rest of the roll it is apparent that the film was expired in a non gracious way (out of fridge). 

60 seconds then 30 seconds every 30 second interval 

On this photo above, I agitated the film for 1 minute then 30 seconds every 30 second intervals. It is noticeably more grainy and the shadows/blacks are loosing more detail than the previous photo. 

Kodak Tri-x 400 shot at box speed and processed in Kodak Hc-110 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

On the Street - One

 So sometimes I like to walk around with a camera and ask random Cool Stylish people if I can photograph them. I'll post them more often in here with new title called On the street. Old fashion blog readers will get the title. 

Nikon D800 + 50mm f1.4
Photography Bugra Ergil 

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Unseen - 6

 I was moving files around and making them make more sense in my hard drives and came across this shoot. I noticed that, the scans were very very very large in file size and colour was very off. I can see that I just wanted to scan them highest resolution as possible but pay little attention to colour. So I decided to scan them again in 3200DPI and focus bit more on the colour. I don't know where the colours went off but rescans colour was off too. Still it was more salvageble when compared to the originals. I think it was either the Colour of the flash used in the shoot or the chemistry accuracy in the Lab was off. I managed to get the colours to where I want them in this photo. 

 Mamiya RZ67 ProII + 127mm 3.8
Kodak Portra 160
Scanned with Epson V750
Photographer: Bugra Ergil (ME)
Stylist: Zoe Springer
Makeup Artist: Maria Vez
Hair Stylist: Elettra Guggeri 
Model: Freya J Duffy @Premier

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

GoSee №1.4

Photographer: Bugra Ergil 
Model: Jemilla King self casted

Camera: Pentax 67II + SMC 105mm 2.4
Film Ilford HP5+ shot at box speed
Processed in Kodak HC110 (b)
Scanned with Epson Perfection V750 Pro